kids in a summer camp

Summer Camps Along the Central Coast

The Fortress Secure Team | August 23, 2024 @ 12:00 AM

Meta Description: Central Coast summer camps for all ages and


Summer is here! Warm, gentle breezes, sipping lemonade on the porch,

relaxing and taking time to listen to the birds chirping, leaves rustling,

and children laughing…

It's time to take a break from those looming house projects–spring

cleaning, decluttering, garage sales. Why not load everything into that

fabulous storage unit of yours, if only for a short bit (you know, out of

sight, out of mind!), and embrace a carefree summer with your family?

For a few precious months, we can breathe and let loose. This holds

true for our kids too. For some, that may mean more time outdoors,

catching a wave, or climbing a tree; others may prefer curling up with a

favorite book, cooling off in a movie theatre, or trying out a new

science experiment. Or maybe, the kiddos would love to try something

new. How about a summer camp?

You’re in luck! From Santa Maria to Arroyo Grande to Paso Robles,

there’s a camp to tickle everyone’s fancy. Let’s dive in…

Traditional Overnight Summer Camp

Camp Natoma is the epitome of summer! A tradition dating back to

1941, this camp is sandwiched between San Luis Obispo and Paso

Robles in a 360-acre protected oak woodland with a spring-fed creek.

Welcoming children from grades 1 through 11, Camp Natoma

celebrates the essence of summer with this rustic, completely outdoor

experience. Campers will sleep under the stars, hike, swim, laugh, and

sing the silliest of camp songs.

Each session runs six nights beginning June 24th and runs Monday-

Sunday. For more information, please email Camp Natoma at or call (805) 316-0163.

Surf’s Up at This Wet and Wild Camp!

Water lovers ages seven and older are sure to love this surfing

camp experience at Van Curaza Surf School! These young

adventurers will not only learn to surf; they’ll also explore Avila’s

hidden caves, all while creating unforgettable memories and

forming new friendships.

Camp options include one-day, three-day, and five-day sessions

from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. For more information, please call (805)543-7873 or email

STEM Summer Camp with LEGOs!

Calling all future engineers! Children ages 8-12 will tap into their

creative genius, designing their wackiest ideas while learning about

physics, engineering, and architecture.

With access to thousands of LEGO parts, campers will have a blast while

strengthening their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Children

usually work on two projects each day.

This fun-filled camp is hosted by the Santa Maria Valley YMCA from July 10-

14. Register now to nab a prized spot. Please contact them at (805)937-8521 or check them out at

Summer Springboard Pre-College Academic Program

Where better for teens to enjoy an early college experience and get a

sneak peek into their potential majors than San Luis Obispo’s Cal Poly.

They’ll study with field experts and industry leaders–perhaps a

university professor, a lab scientist, a songwriter, or a

cinematographer. Spending a couple of weeks on this stunning campus

with its green rolling hills and proximity to our gorgeous coastline while

enjoying an immersive college experience–hmmm, twist our arms!

Session 1 begins June 30th, and Session 2 begins July 14th. For more

information about these two-week programs, contact

These are just a few of the many summer camp options to choose from.

Available spots tend to get snatched up, so the sooner you secure spots

for your campers, the better.

Fresh air, new friends and experiences, tons of fun, and most

importantly, happy, joyful kids.


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